Overlooking This Fundamental Health Principle Puts Millions At Risk
Obedience to God's Law Is More than Meets the Eye
Detached Retina?
Recently I made an emergency visit to the eye doctor for fear of a detached retina. The assistant asked me a ton of questions about my symptoms and tested my eyes on various machines. When the doctor came in, she questioned me some more:
What's going on?
Does it hurt?
How does it feel?
When did it start?
and so on
She then let me know that my eyes were perfectly healthy (to my relief). I had just stressed my eyes out by doing some exercises intended to improve my vision.
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Data for Diagnosis
If you've visited a health care provider, you've experienced the gamut of questions too. Doctors must gather data to give a diagnosis, data based upon symptoms and test results. Sometimes the diagnosis is as severe as a detached retina. Other times the symptoms are only caused by stress (thankfully). But I am not writing about stress today — even though it is also a fundamentally overlooked health principle. Read more here.
Poor Health Is a Symptom of Something Greater.
Rather, I want to talk about poor health as a symptom of something greater. I erroneously thought I had a detached retina because I was experiencing particular symptoms:
An increase in eye floaters,
Weakness in my vision,
The feeling of a curtain weighing down my eye, and
Eye strain.
These symptoms mimicked a detached retina. Thankfully, in my case, it was only stress induced.
The Bible's List
There is a list of symptoms in the Bible that point to a much greater disease than a detached retina. In fact, each "symptom" could be classified as an illness itself — yet the Bible still calls them symptoms:
inflammatory disease
skin conditions
and more
In fact, the Bible specifically identifies the actual disease that causes these symptoms.
Reformed Health Has Missed This
At Reformed Health — we teach the Biblical principles of wellness so people can better serve Christ in their calling. We've talked about water, exercise, food, air, circulation, and so much more — but never have we addressed health from this most fundamental perspective.
A God of Covenants
God is a God of covenants. He is a God who keeps promises. All throughout the Bible He tells us that He rewards obedience and chastises or judges disobedience.
When we trust Christ — we enter into Covenant with Him and agree that He is God and we are His "people." This means we agree to obey all that He commanded. No, we won't be able to do it perfectly — otherwise Christ would have not needed to die for our sins. But we are required to strive for obedience in all things. When we fail —He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. That is the gospel message, the good news.
Obedience and Abundant Life
Yet— as we obey Him, we experience more of the abundant life that He promised. After all — His ways are the ways of peace and He withholds no good thing from those who walk uprightly.
And, these blessings flow over to the nations that choose to walk in His ways. In fact, the Bible devotes a whole chapter to the blessings a nation can expect if it follows after God's ways — and the curses it can expect if it doesn't.
God has established absolute rules to govern His world. These rules can be obeyed at a personal level and a national level. When a nation follows God's ways — that nation is blessed. But when a nation rejects God's universal rules — that nation will suffer the universal consequences. And, unfortunately, one of the consequences is disease and illness.
Here are a few of the health "symptoms" a nation can expect when they do not follow the ways of God according to Deuteronomy 28:
Corrupted food supply
Miscarriage (and abortion)
Corruption in crops and produce (super weeds, GMO, pesticides, herbicides)
Corruption in the live stock (mad cow, hormones, antibiotics, and more)
Confusion (Alzheimers, dementia, lies in the media)
Mildew, mold, blight
Skin conditions, rashes
The above list is not complete. There are a host of other "symptoms" a nation who does not follow God can expect — all of which we are presently experiencing in America. And according to the Scriptures, these things will only get worse until we turn back to Christ.
Our Only Hope.
Thankfully, God has given us a step by step plan to restore health to a nation. And the information, which comes straight from the Bible, is needed now more than ever. On a series of two sleepless nights (read about them here), the burden for our nation was especially heavy on my heart. I had to get out of bed and write down everything that was burning in my mind. The result was a book: How Blessed Is The Nation: 7 Steps to Restore America to Greatness. Even when I wrote it, I was not aware of the connection with Reformed Health. I had intended to publish it in a different platform. But now the connection seems so clear.
The book is available for sale on Amazon.
In the book you will discover 7 steps to restore America to greatness. With God's help, not only can you help restore America to greatness — but you can help restore millions of Americans to health.
Everyone needs this message of hope for America. Please share this post on Facebook or Twitter so others can be a part of the solution too.