Two Sleepless Nights, a Splitting Headache, and an Important Reminder
Why I need to practice what I preach
This morning I woke up with a splitting headache, but I was thankful for two reasons. First I was able to sleep through most of the night (after two sleepless ones). Second I was reminded that I need to be a faithful practicer of what I preach.
Epstein Barr
Reformed Health [now Reformed Earth] is built around a study that my husband did in the 1990's when he was suffering from debilitating illness. He had been zapped of all his energy and was pretty much confined to the couch for much of the day. Later, after regaining his health by applying the principles taught on this website, he was diagnosed as having had the Epstein Barr virus (which was then and still is in remission). The doctor told him, whatever he was doing - keep it up.
We married in 2005 and he converted me to his healthy lifestyle and biblical principles for living. Since then, I have not had another outbreak of the shingles or herpes simplex 1 (cold sores) - both which were reoccurring problems for me. My arthritis has been in remission for years. My hypoglycemia is a thing of the past. I watched my daughter's constant allergies, acid reflux, and daily stomach discomfort disappear. I guess you could say that I'm a believer.
However, I don't always practice the principles my husband has taught, the very principles I preach on this website - and it always comes to bite me where it hurts. This week I have had two sleepless nights and a splitting headache.
Presently, I am working on writing out the third principle in the Living Under God's Design series. The third principle happens to be rest, which includes sleep. How apropos. The very thing I am writing about is the very thing I am suffering from (or lack thereof).
I have read through this study (and practiced the principles) long enough to know what I need to do to resolve the sleep issues. For me it is exercise and sunshine. I justify not exercising because I have too many other things to do - but the reality is: if I am not sleeping, I am not going to be productive during the day.
This is why I have to commit to exercise every day. I even know how to exercise productively in a short amount of time. I will share more about this in the future as I finish posting my husband's study on this website. Here are the principles in a nutshell. I am posting this here more as a reminder to myself.
I need to do my daily stretches that get the blood flowing through every capillary in my body
I need to practice Peak exercises as advocated by Dr. Mercola three times a week building up to a 20 minutes workout
I need to practice simple strength training techniques using my own body weight three times a week
I need to get at least 20 minutes of sunshine a day
I must commit to these things so I can be productive and accomplish all the good works God has prepared for me to walk in. One of those good works is to finish this website and convert the material into a book so others can find the healing benefits of applying God's principles to their lives.
If you have not taken the time to read through our health curriculum, it can be accessed here for free: