Why You Must Remove Chlorine From Bathwater
Chlorine is a killer — yet it is pumped extravagantly into our water supply. The average person is drinking it and bathing in it — and paying the water company for the privilege to do so — even though it is unsafe. Keep reading to find out why you must remove chlorine from bathwater, not just drinking water.
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A free documented report by Dr. Mercola reveals the following dangers associated with chlorine consumption and inhalation: [1]
Heart Attacks
Tiredness, dizziness, and headaches
Eye, sinus, and throat irritations
Infertility issues
Childhood asthma
Hair cuticle issues and dandruff
Liver and kidney problems
Dry skin and scalp
Indoor pollution
Weakened immune response
And more
If you thought you were safe from the affects of chlorine because you filter your drinking water, you're wrong. You must remove chlorine from bathwater too!
Dangers Associated When You Don't Remove Chlorine From Bathwater
According to Food Renegade, bathing in chlorinated water is more harmful than drinking it. The hot bath water opens the pores, allowing the chlorine to absorb through the skin. And worse, the steam inhaled from a hot chlorinated bath or shower contains a by-product of chlorine: chloroform, which is more dangerous than chlorine. The site shares the following information concerning chlorine and its by-products: [2]
"The combination of what your skin absorbs and your lungs inhale during a 10-minute shower is greater than the amount you would ingest drinking eight glasses of water from the same tap."
"Inhalation is a much more harmful means of exposure since the chlorine gas (chloroform) we inhale goes directly into our blood stream.
"It [chlorine] was used as a chemical weapon in World War II"
"Simply stated chlorine is a pesticide, as defined by the U.S. EPA, who’s sole purpose is to kill living organisms."
Solutions to Remove Chlorine From Bathwater
The best solution for removing toxins (chlorine is only one of many) from your water supply is to install a whole house water filtration system. Unfortunately that is very costly. Save money (and your life) by trying this simple trick instead. I did!
Add 1/4 tsp (or 1000 mg) ascorbic acid crystals (vitamin C) into your bathwater prior to bathing. The vitamin C reacts with the chlorine, converting it into a safe form like chloride. I've tried it, tested it, and noticed a difference. Now it is the only way I will bathe. Ascorbic acid is available on Amazon for cheap. Or you can pick some up at your local health food store, even Trader Joe's. Wherever you buy it, you'll only pay a few pennies per bath. It is the quickest way to remove chlorine from bathwater.
Or try this CuZn Bath Ball Faucet Filter. It attaches right to your bath faucet, filtering 20,000 gallons of bath water so you can relax in clean, safe water.
If you prefer to shower, Food Renegade recommends Rainshow'r Dechlorinating Shower Head.
For drinking water, I would recommend purchasing a water filter system for the sink. We are now recommending an iSpring 6-Stage RO with a Remineralization Filter or a Berkey filtration system.
Swimming in a chlorinated pool? Find out if it is worth these 14 risks.
[1] http://www.mercola.com/downloads/bonus/chlorine/default.htm
[2] http://www.foodrenegade.com/chlorinated-showers-baths-kill-gut-flora/