About that Death Threat I Received in the Mail
How a state-sanctioned Malthusian mailer threatened the life of myself and my family.
Before giving the gory details of the Malthusian death threat I received in the mail on Wednesday, November 23, 2022 (the day before Thanksgiving), I need to give a bit of history leading up to the event.
It all started in 2019 when I started researching a highly controversial topic — which is intimately related to a Malthusian conspiracy that has led to the untimely death of doctors, scientists, and average citizens of all ages. I had friends involved in the same research who were trying to go mainstream with the information. I warned them that their life was in danger by attempting to expose the situation to the world.
My Life in Danger
At that time, I didn’t realize how dangerous the situation was for me. The more I researched the topic, the more I started to understand that I too was a target. Not just me. But many people that I know and love and care about.
In 2020, when the Pandemic hit, I was ready to share the frightening information I had uncovered. But aside from a few personal opportunities, God continued to shut the doors for me to speak out publically. Perhaps He was trying to protect me from harm. I don’t know.
Recently, God opened the door again to start sharing in a more public forum. And that’s when the death threat targeting me came in the mail.
Back to the story…
What Is Malthusianism?
Let’s fast forward to the week of Thanksgiving 2022.
A new documentary was released exposing a portion of the Malthusian theory that I had been researching. Interestingly, it wasn’t until after watching the documentary that all the pieces finally came together for me. Honestly, “Malthusian” wasn’t even a word in my vocabulary until after watching the documentary and hearing the actor, Tom Hanks, discuss the topic.
Then everything made sense. Bill Gates. World events. The Pandemic. Misinformation. Scientific fraud. And more.
I had been researching all around these ideas, but didn’t quite know what was at the root — until watching the premiere of “Died Suddenly.”
How to Share with the World?
It’s hard to describe the heavy darkness in my heart after watching the documentary. My research revealed that the Malthusians (though I didn’t know them by that name) were involved in egregious evil. I just didn’t fully understand why they were doing what they were doing.
I got down on my knees and beseeched God to show me how I could share this information with my readers in a way that would most encourage them to watch the documentary “Died Suddenly.”
The next day, I received a death threat in the mail — and I knew that was God’s answer to my prayer.
The Data Reveals the Truth
I have been following the data on the COVID-19 vaccine from the beginning. I knew it had the potential to kill up to 50 million Americans. I shared this information with Dr. Kenneth Talbot’s congregation in October 2020.1 There were several mechanisms in the vaccine that scientists and doctors warned could cause death.
Three Mechanisms for Death
In my presentation, I shared three ways the COVID-19 vaccine could kill you.
Antibody Immune Enhancement: Past attempts at a coronavirus vaccine couldn't stand up to a challenge test, meaning when exposed to the actual virus, all the animals died. Early on, Drs. Tony Fauci and Peter Hotez warned of these dangers when discussing a potential COVID-19 vaccine.2
Reactivated Retroviruses: Dr. Judy Mikovitz warned that 50 million Americans are infected with a dormant mouse retrovirus called XMRV due to contaminated vaccines and blood supply. She warned the COVID-19 vaccines would awaken the sleeping giant and kill up to 50 million.
Common Side Effects: Vaccines have always had known side effects, including death. As of 11/18/22, there have been 32,370 deaths reported to the CDC as a result of the COVID-19 vaccine. A Harvard Study reveals the CDC captures less than 1% of actual vaccine injuries. 3
But there’s more
Three Additional Mechanisms for Death
Since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine, I’ve learned of three additional mechanisms for the vaccine to kill humans.
Aggressive Cancers: Oncologists are concerned about a spike in the number of fast-onset cancers that are devastating their patients. And this shouldn’t be a surprise. For the mRNA technology to work, the vaccine makers had to get the body to shut off a toll-like receptor so the mRNA could get into the cells. The specific toll-like receptor they shut down was one that God designed to fight cancer. 4
Spike Protein: The mRNA technology was originally developed to keep the vaccine localized at the injection site, where the technology would then denigrate and leave the body soon after creating an immune response. However, the technology was modified with a synthetic element called pseudouridine which caused the mRNA to stick around and deposit spike protein throughout the body. The spike protein is the toxic element of COVID-19.5 Autopsies are showing an accumulation of spike protein in critical organs.
Calamari-like Clots: Embalmers across the globe have discovered a new clotting phenomenon that corresponds to the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines. “Died Suddenly” documents what morticians have been seeing in COVID-19 vaccinated patients post-mortem.
Aren’t They Seeking Our Good?
People have a hard time believing the COVID-19 vaccine could be so dangerous. After all, Donald Trump pushed the vaccine through at Operation Warp Speed; the CDC, FDA, and media outlets continue to tell us that it’s safe and effective — even for pregnant women and 6-month-olds; and the man in the Oval Office keeps getting on national television to encourage everyone to get the shot.
We’ve been threatened, guilted, and bribed to take it. Surely, they couldn’t have nefarious motives, could they?
These people and agencies are seeking the good of the people, right?
I never bought into their lies. Why? Because their track record showed me these industries were filled with murderers, liars, and perverts.6 7 Why would I expect them to tell me the truth about an experimental “vaccine”?
Are you having a hard time believing that anyone would willingly kill off a large portion of the population, especially children? If so, perhaps you should take a crash course in the history of mankind. You can start with the story of Moses, then revisit the story of King Herod. Next, study the doctrines and outcomes of Marxism, communism, and nazism.
People do evil things.
After watching the documentary “Died Suddenly,” I finally understood why people are being murdered under Covidism. Malthusians genuinely think they are saving the planet and the human race from extinction.
They are godless, deceived, and without remorse.
The controllers of society KNOW that the vaccine is killing people.
And they are glad.
My Malthusian Death Threat
Back to my story.
The Wednesday before Thanksgiving, the air in our house was filled with the smell of peach pie baking in the oven, we were making preparations to celebrate with family, and I was furiously trying to finish my copywriting work so I could relax and enjoy the holiday.
My husband handed me the mail, and I thumbed through it until I saw the murderous mailing from the state of California encouraging me to take the death shot. Six mechanisms to kill me, 32k+ deaths reported already, people like Robert Malone (the inventor of the technology) warning people not to take the shot, and they were still marketing the deadly vaccine.
I was incensed more than ever — yet knew I had the answer to my prayer.
It is time to expose these Malthusian psychopaths that are trying to kill off a large percentage of the human race. They must be exposed and removed.
Ephesians 5:11: “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.”
Here are a few corrections in this Malthusian death threat:
The COVID-19 vaccine does not protect you from infection.8
As Pfizer finally admitted, the vaccine was NEVER tested to see whether or not it stops transmission — but since it is now a fact that it doesn’t stop infection, we can be sure it doesn’t stop transmission.
Evidence is mounting that boosters increase your risk of all-cause mortality (i.e., they increase your risk of dying suddenly).
They are lying to you.
They want you dead.
If you’re still not convinced, watch the documentary “Died Suddenly” today.
Here is a copy of the notes from my presentation of my Talbot talk. Everything is documented.
Learn more here: Covid Vaccine Cancer Connection; mRNA Immune Code and Cancer; and Aggressive Cancer Post COVID Vaccine.
If you’re not convinced, remember 1) they teach that abortion is healthcare; 2) can’t tell the difference between a male and a female; and 3) they celebrate sexual perversions of all kinds.
Here is an interesting article where they admit that 58% of COVID death are among the vaccinated. Guess what’s their Malthusian solution? Get boosted. (Accessed 11/26/22)