It is absolutely critical that some background information be presented before another article is shared on this website. This background information deals with the topic of authority. Nothing read on this website will be of value unless the concepts presented in the next few posts are grasped by the reader.
Laying A Foundation
The question presented in this section of Reformed Health is crucial:
To where, or to whom, shall we go for absolute authoritative answers on health and illness?
A philosophy is about to be presented that will be a paradigm shift for many people. In our culture, we are raised with an attitude of submission to the educated members of our society. In general, we are a nation of people who highly esteem men and women with doctorate degrees or Ph.d's. And to some extent, men and women deserve acknowledgment of their higher education; they have worked and studied very hard to earn letters next to their names.
Despite the deserved accolades of accomplished men and women, these next few posts are going to challenge your trust in their authority and knowledge.
The information shared will either be joyfully accepted, or it will be completely rejected. There is not much middle ground, but rather a general and crucial demarcation point.
If the information about to be shared is accepted and applied, then the rest of the information in this web-site will be of great value to you, the reader.
If on the other hand, this foundational section is ignored, or found wanting, the rest of the content on this web-site will be of little or no value to you.
A Theme Verse
I Corinthians 3:19a presents a truth that must always be pricking our minds and intellect.
"For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God."
In other words, all the wisdom, learning, education, degrees, supposed scientific breakthroughs, and all the knowledge that the world has to offer is foolishness before God - if not first filtered through His wisdom.
Years ago (and even today in small circles) the study of knowledge was founded on the principle that God was the creator of everything.
Proverbs 1:7a: The fear of God is the beginning of knowledge.
Today, it is nearly impossible to find higher studies that are not founded in evolutionary theory and secular humanism. The foundation of learning, if not grounded in the fear of God, is grounded in foolishness.
Consider the training of most doctors, lawyers, scientists, psychologists, businessmen, etc. The foundation of their education is "worldly wisdom." The bulk of educated men and women have received their degrees from secular universities that openly reject the creator and exalt the creature.
If the foundation is wrong, Â there is a great chance that the understanding or knowledge will be wrong, strongly flawed, or incorrectly applied. Even if the understanding is slightly flawed, it can have a huge impact on the workings and dealings with reality (God's absolute truth). I have no doubt that many of the people with worldly educations have good motives and intentions. But good motives and intentions do not always produce true and accurate results.
This is why it is imperative that we trust God's Word for the truth. His Word is perfect; it is not flawed; it is not based on faulty science or secular humanism; it promises to hold everything necessary for life. But do we really believe this?
If you are not convinced of this truth about the Bible, then you will receive little benefit from the content on this web-site.
The information presented on this web-site is based on the belief and conviction that true science will always prove God correct. Let it also be said that there is a lot of false science taught in the world today. If the science does not agree with the Bible, then the science is wrong (but the Bible is always true). As Christians, we must hold to this belief if we are to truly honor God.
If we are accustomed to unreservedly placing our trust in men with degrees, it becomes very difficult to shift our trust to God and His perfect Word.
Keep these foundational thoughts in mind as you read the rest of the information in this web-site, and do not forget the ever important theme verse.
I Corinthians 3:19a: "For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God."
The next few posts will discuss this topic of authority in greater detail, and then the series titled, "Why Am I Sick?" will be posted.
Go To: Authoritative Answers: Part One, Section A: Is There No God in America?
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