Democide: NOUN the killing of members of a country's civilian population as a result of its government's policy, including by direct action, indifference, and neglect.1
A recent essay by Scipio Eruditus of Dispatches from Reality titled “Warp Speed to Democide” reveals the calculated and planned military operation that has paraded as a healthcare crisis coined as the Pandemic.
I highly recommend you read the full article to get the scope of what has happened and has been happening over the last several years.
Scipio Eruditus is a researcher extraordinaire, and he loads his essays with primary source material not hearsay. If you love truth, consider following Dispatches from Reality to stay abreast of what is really happening in the world.
Below is an excerpt from Warp Speed to Democide: it was always a military op.
Shrouded in secrecy and masked by the veneer of benevolence, Donald Trump embarked on a path in 2020 that would forever alter the course of humanity. This audacious endeavor, disguised as a noble mission to safeguard the populace, concealed a harrowing truth – it was in fact a calculated military operation, meticulously designed to achieve dual objectives:
The demise of one facet of humankind, and the forced evolution of another.
The leaders of the world orchestrated an intricate plot, thereby convincing the masses that salvation lay within the confines of their miraculous injections. After a year of fearmongering and manipulation, the pathway out of the lockdowns was proffered to the pliant masses. A mesmerizing narrative was thusly woven, promising protection, prosperity, and progress. It was a siren's song that lulled the unsuspecting into submission, as the governments of the world wielded their syringes, concealing within its depths both the elixir of transformation and the poison of degradation.
Within the dimly lit halls of political intrigue and covert military operations, the enigmatic figure of Donald J. Trump and his brainchild, Operation Warp Speed (OWS), looms large. Beneath the veneer of the pandemic response, a narrative unfolds that defies mere incompetence or simple greed. What we have seen collectively is nothing less than the intentional weaponizing of doctors, pastors, and priests into pushing known poisons. To most, OWS is still a heroic campaign to expedite vaccines; in truth, it was an insidious conspiracy scarcely paralleled within the annals of human history.
This publication has already extensively covered the lies and half truth’s surrounding the origins of the alleged coronavirus, as well as a thorough deconstruction of the gene therapy/spike protein narratives (See Chaff & Countermeasures). As our societies stand on the other side of this profound paradigm shift, this tale of deadly deception and deathly determination continues to unfold. One where the line between malevolence and salvation blurs, and the destiny of humanity hangs in the balance. Amidst the shadows of power and the cries of dissent, the world watches; blissfully unaware of the unfolding drama, forever changed by the choices of a regime willing to shape the future — no matter the cost.
Read the full article here: Warp Speed to Democide: it was always a military op. You will need to scroll down a bit to get to the actual essay.