Is Anti-Christ Alive and Well Today?
How anti-Christ is deceiving the church with five little lies
As society collapses into turmoil, many are wondering if Anti-Christ is on the scene deceiving the world for his last heyday.
Could Anti-Christ be behind the unsettling events unfolding before our eyes? Consider:
Our school systems are a mess, students confused, and Christian children falling away from Christ in droves.
Small businesses are being choked out, forced to comply with unreasonable edicts, and suffering under rampant crime with no recourse.
Our civil governments are passing egregious laws that go against the sanctity of life, marriage, childhood innocence, and liberty.
Medical tyranny is the new norm, patients are withheld life-saving treatments and forced to take medicine they don’t feel necessary or helpful, even unto death.
Law enforcement officers are arresting pro-life, peaceful protestors; while lawlessness seems to go on unhindered.
Our freedom to share the truth is being censored, people exposing corruption are being arrested and tried as criminals, and our very rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are hanging by a thread.
Not to mention pending economic collapse, supply chain disruption, food shortages, soaring inflation, the threat of nuclear war, and more.
Is Anti-Christ setting up the world stage for a takeover? There’s a simple test that can shed insight into that question.
The Yes/No Anti-Christ Test
Jesus testified that we are either FOR Him or AGAINST Him (Matthew 12:30).
Put another way, there are only two options in this world — and no middle ground. We are either:
For Him; (Pro-Christ) or
Against Him; (Anti-Christ).
There is no person, organization, thought, government, system, or entity exempt from this claim. There is no Switzerland, no neutral zone, no lukewarm position, and no one on the fence. All things are either for Christ or anti-Christ.
Here’s another test.
Biblical Tests for AntiChrist
The Apostle John is the single writer in the Bible who mentions anti-Christ, and he provides a few ways to identify when his evil spirit is at work.
The anti-Christ denies these three things:
Jesus is the Messiah (1 John 2:22)
The Father and Son because the one who denies the Son denies the Father (1 John 2:22-23)
Jesus Christ came in the flesh (1 John 4:3)
If a person, organization, thought-system, government, learning institution, or another entity does not claim that Jesus is the Promised Seed and God in the flesh, then they are anti-Christ.
Where do you stand?
Undoubtedly, if you are a Christian, you identify as pro-Christ — which you ought. But let me ask you another question.
Where Do You Go for Wisdom for Living?
When engaging in daily affairs, business, education, and medicine — do you seek out pro-Christ or anti-Christ wisdom, theory, advice, and practitioners?
Nothing in this world is impartial — unless Christ is a liar.
“He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad.”
Sadly, there is a belief running around Christian circles that says education, medicine, civics, science, and other disciplines are untouched by religious affections and can be entrusted to the care of secular scholars (anti-Christs).
Five Little Lies of the Anti-Christ
When Christians and non-Christians alike promote or are influenced by anti-Christ ideas there are inevitable, devastating consequences. Here are five lies spread by anti-Christ in America and abroad that are devastating the world that Christ came to save:
The Bible is not a science or math textbook; we must trust experts and university-trained PhDs to understand how the world works.
The church must stay out of politics; our only means for political change are prayer and voting.
We can’t impose our morality on others; we must sit back and let godless men foist their morality on us.
The civil sphere is not part of God’s kingdom; it is a separate entity ordained by God that Christians must submit to no matter what.
Satan is the ruler of this world; we will never see a time that the world will be under the control of Christ until He returns.
Have you fallen prey to any of these lies? There are bits of truth here and there — which is why Satan has been able to foist his destructive doctrines upon naive and deceived people, much like he did to Eve. I’ve fallen under the spell of these ideas in the past. Mix enough truth to make something sound biblical with enough lie to destroy — and you have an anti-Christ agenda encased in biblical terms, a demonic doctrine parading as a teaching of light.
Consider how Satan tempted Christ. He didn’t use outright heresy. No. Instead, Satan used Scripture. And he continues to do the same today, taking a little truth to an extreme NOT intended by God.
We’ll consider each claim in a bit. But here’s the real question.
Can We Kick Christ Off His Throne?
I maintain that Christians who promote the five ideas listed above to false extremes attempt to (whether intentionally or unintentionally) de-platform Christ. Of course, that is not possible. God is not a liar nor is He mocked. No one can kick Christ off His throne.
Claims pre-eminence over all these things and more (Colossians 1:15-18);
Was given to the church as head of all these things (Ephesians 1:22) so that we would proclaim Him to the nations as Lord over all things visible and invisible (Colossians 1:16,18);
Has all power and authority in heaven and on earth (Matthew 28:18);
Is presently ruling at the right hand of God until all His enemies submit to Him (Psalm 110:1; Acts 3:31; 1 Cor. 15:25; Hebrews 1:3; 10:13, etc.); and
Commissioned the church to disciple all nations and teach them to obey everything that He commanded (Matthew 28:19-20).
Christ will not be moved. He will most assuredly prevail over all these enemies of His and take His rightful position in time and space. It’s His destiny. It’s why He came to earth as a babe, suffered on the cross, died, and was buried, raised, exalted, and seated at the right hand of power.
The zeal of the Lord of Hosts will give Him success in His mission (Isaiah 9:6-7).
Despite these awesome truths, the church en masse, instead, works to de-platform Christ and hand over education, politics, medicine, etc., to men who by Christ’s very definition are anti-Christ.
Would You Hand the World over to Anti-Christ?
Do you want anti-Christ ruling in these areas:
Education Systems? Every learning institution that does not have Christ as its foundation is ruled instead by anti-Christ. Education is not neutral. Why do you think our school systems are such a wreck, so many students confused, with Christian children falling away from Christ in droves? It’s because they are being educated by anti-Christ. Anti-Christ in, anti-Christ out.
Businesses? Sadly, many successful businesses in the “world’s” system have made pacts with and receive money from godless controllers who are using them to promote their designs for the anti-Christ’s “World Order.” Wonder why businesses push censorship, COVID propaganda, climate change, woke agendas, and the like? It’s because they have made lucrative agreements with anti-Christ. You could say they have sold their souls.
Civil Governments? Every civil leader that you elect or vote for who is not FOR Christ is anti-Christ. That’s why one of God's qualifications for civil leaders is that they worship the One True God.1 2 3 If we vote for non-Christian rulers, we are voting for anti-Christ. Is it any wonder that our world is under the control of demonic influences? When we choose the lesser of two evils and vote evil into office, why should we be surprised when we get evil? Anti-Christ and lesser anti-Christ are still anti-Christ. Voting is good, but it cannot save us. God works in supernatural ways. Our world will continue to get worse and worse until we choose Christ without compromise.
Medical Establishment? Presently, our medical establishment is controlled by elite and godless men and women (anti-Christs) who are involved in murder for profit4, celebrate perversion, are "fools" that can't tell the difference between a man and a woman — and are salivating to mutilate our children to further their wicked agenda. Christian leaders fawn over their medicines and methods, despite the associated evils. For example, Al Mohler (President of the So. Baptist Theological Seminary), Jonathan Sarfati (Creation Ministries International), and Joe Carter (Gospel Coalition) defend anti-Christ by approving the use of aborted fetal tissue in vaccines,5 churches shut down at the behest of anti-Christ entities like the CDC, and Christians have lined up to promote and/or receive the experimental vaccine that is now killing people, likely by the millions.6
Law Enforcement? When godless men (anti-Christs) bear the power of the sword, we can expect corruption, miscarriage of justice, and lawlessness to increase. Just recently, my husband told me the story of a baby that was kidnapped and a family terrorized by an anti-Christ law system. Read what happens when anti-Christ law enforcement rules in your city. This kind of wickedness abounds in an anti-Christ system. We cannot expect to live peaceable lives in all godliness when anti-Christ runs our law enforcement agencies.
Yes. Anti-Christ is alive and appears to be well in America and abroad. But ought we give anti-Christ control over the world that Christ died to redeem?
Satan is defeated at the cross. But it takes faith to overcome him. If we believe his five little lies, we will not have the faith to overcome the world or the devil. And he knows it, which is why he is propagating these lies contrary to Scripture.
A Closer Look at the Five Little Lies
A little leaven leavens the whole loaf. Let’s not allow the leaven of anti-Christ in our homes, families, communities, businesses, governments, law enforcement agencies, medical establishments, or churches.
What does the Bible teach about these lies?
1. The Bible is not a science or math textbook.
On the surface, this statement is true. The Bible is not a science, English, or mathematics textbook. However, it must be — and indeed is — the foundation of every discipline under the sun. If we disregard the Bible in the realm of science, English, or mathematics, we will come to false conclusions, such as evolution, euthanasia, and climate change, which are based on anti-Christ teachings. We cannot go to godless men to understand the way the world works. We must go to Christ.
Phillip Kayser writes, “The Reformer, John Wycliffe, said, ‘All law, all philosophy, all ethics are in Scripture. In Holy Scripture is all truth.’ Now, he is not saying that the Bible is a textbook in the modern definition. Instead, he is saying that . . . it has every axiom needed to build an entire system of mathematics and from which to generate numerous textbooks. All Mathematics, philosophy, music, and truth systems flow from the Bible."7
All disciplines must find their starting point with Scripture. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10) and knowledge (Proverbs 1:7). How blessed is that man who does not walk in the counsel of anti-Christ (Psalm 1:1)!
The Word of God is also the Word of Christ. If we start from any other vantage point, we start with anti-Christ.
2. The Church Must Stay out of Politics
No doubt there is a separation between the church and state which must not be crossed if we are to remain faithful to Scripture.
For example, the state has no jurisdiction over the church, except to protect and preserve its rights under Christ and to investigate and punish wrongdoing according to God’s Word (Romans 13).
Plus, the church has no jurisdiction over the state, but it does have an obligation to instruct lawmakers and civil leaders of their duties before God and to pronounce warnings and curses upon them when they disregard the law of God (Psalm 2; 148:7,11; Acts 9:15; 17:30). Such warnings and curses are only valid when they are in accord with God’s Word (Proverbs 26:2).
Additionally, church leaders and laymen alike have the privilege and duty to serve as civil servants, hold political office, and work to see justice carried out (whether through voting, rallying, educating, etc.). Do you know which famous pastor signed the Declaration of Independence?8
If Christians stay out of politics, they are handing civil government over to anti-Christ — and we will reap (and are reaping) the consequences of an anti-Christ system.
3. Christians Can’t Impose Their Morality on Others
There is some truth in this statement. We cannot force anyone to obey God — or any other entity for that matter — from a sincere heart. Only God, through the preaching of the gospel of Christ, can change hearts of stone to hearts of flesh and make men lovers of good.
However, every piece of legislation imposed in civics is based on someone’s morality. Therefore, if anti-Christ writes legislation, Christians will be subject to anti-Christ laws (or the consequences of non-compliance). However, when godly men and women assert the rights of King Jesus and write legislation based on true justice and righteousness — then godless men and women will be forced to submit — GET THIS — submit to God’s Law of Liberty.
And from there the blessings will flow.
Does this sound wicked to you? A survey revealed that women would be less inclined to get an abortion if it were not legal. When societies seek to apply God’s Law to their land, it saves lives, brings blessings, and promotes freedom.
As it stands, we are under a blood curse in the United States of America for shedding innocent blood through abortion. And the church is complicit through medicine, particularly vaccines. Every child in the United States, who submits to the CDC vaccine schedule, will be injected with fetal DNA fragments from an aborted baby girl and an aborted baby boy. Even if there were benefits from using the aborted tissue (which there are not) — we are forbidden in the Scriptures to profit from evil (Ephesians 5:13; Romans 3:8; Proverbs 10:2; 1 Thessalonians 5:22). Learn about the devastating effects of using aborted fetal tissue in vaccines here.
Unless we repent, we can expect the curses of Deuteronomy 28 to continue upon our land until we are utterly destroyed.
May God have mercy on His elect and bring His church to repentance.
4. The Civil Sphere Is Not Part of God’s Kingdom
This is an egregious anti-Christ lie that has deceived many Reformed, Evangelical, and Liberal Christian denominations.
First, by proclamation, Jesus Christ is the King of kings. In the Old Testament, King Nebuchadnezzar is a “type” of Christ in his kingship — for he is called also “king of kings.” Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, ruled over many satellite nations that were required to govern according to his laws and guidance. If they rebelled against him, Nebuchadnezzar would destroy the rebels.
The kings of the earth are commanded to submit to Christ. If they refuse, they can expect to perish in their way (Psalm 2:12). This is why it is an abomination for kings to rule wickedly; for a throne is established on justice (Proverbs 16:12).
Additionally, Jesus claims lordship over all things visible and invisible, whether thrones, dominions, principalities, or powers (Colossians 1:16, 18). When Christ received His Kingdom at His exaltation, it was so that every nation could serve Him (Daniel 7:13-14; Matthew 28:18-20). This is also why Jesus commanded His disciples to teach the nations to obey everything that He commands (Matthew 28:20). It’s also the means for blessing the nations according to the promise to Abraham (Galatians 3:8; Hebrews 11:6).
There is nothing exempt from Christ’s kingdom. In truth, every man and nation is either pro-Christ or anti-Christ. Nothing is neutral. And Christ claims it all for Himself and has commissioned the church to get it for Him.
“Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth for Your possession (Psalms 2:8). Christ asked with His blood, and now all nations belong to Him and must submit to Him — for their own good and His glory.
Civil governments are “servants” of Christ (Romans 13:4) — and Christians (and churches) are to proclaim His Lordship in and over every sphere, including civics.
5. Satan Is the Ruler of this World
Of all the anti-Christ lies in the world, this is the most damning for the human race, a form of Satanism. Let’s look at two verses that “seem” to promote that anti-Christ (Satan) rules this world and not Christ.
1 John 5:19b: The whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.
2 Corinthians 4:3-4: But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age (some versions say “god of this world”) has blinded.
The writers here seem to say that Satan is the god of this world and that the entire world lies under his sway. As a result, Christians shake their head and say, “What can we do?”
To be sure, Satan is the ruler of the “world-system,” i.e., everything that is opposed to Christ. What is in the “world-system”? 1 John 2:16 defines the “world-system” or “anti-Christ system” as “the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.” These things, say John are “not of the Father but . . . of the world.”
Does this verse mean that the world is evil and God grants Satan the crown rights over creation? No! Christ, the Father, and the Spirit together made all things in the space of six days and all VERY good. Jesus came to SAVE the world from sin, Satan, and self, to restore the world to Eden-like conditions “far as the curse is found.” The world is not evil. To say the world is evil is to buy into a heresy called “Gnosticism” — which teaches that flesh and matter are evil. It is the same anti-Christ teaching that denies that Jesus came in the flesh (1 John 4:3).
Everything God created is VERY good (Genesis 1:31). Satan takes what is good and corrupts it through the “world-system” which he rules over ever since the Fall.
As Christians, our job is to destroy the works of the devil. This is the very reason that Christ came the FIRST time.
“He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8).
The whole world system does lie in the hands of the evil one. It is our job to take it back for Christ. That’s WHY He came.
Satan does blind the minds of people even in this age. But we are to fight against this anti-Christ deception with our spiritual weapons.
“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor. 10:4-5).
And we MUST win the battle. For God has ordained it so, commissioned us to do so, and empowered us to accomplish it.
Power Over the Enemy
Perhaps your faith is weak. Let God’s Word renew your mind. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17).
Here’s what the Bible says about Satan’s present doom and our power over him as Christians because of the cross of Christ. Our present hope is NOT in the rapture or Return. It is in the Cross. Embrace the truth; God’s Word is truth (John 17:17); and the truth will set you free (John 8:32).
Consider and look up each verse yourself in your Bible:
Christ disarmed, put to shame, and triumphed over all devils at the cross (Colossians 2:15)
Jesus says He saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven (Luke 10:18)
God is in the process of crushing Satan under our feet (Romans 16:20)
Jesus has bound the strongman so we can plunder his house (Matthew 12:29)
When we resist the devil, he must flee (James 4:7)
Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8)
Satan can no longer deceive the nations (Revelations 20:1-3)9
We can overcome anti-Christ because He who is in us is greater (1 John 4:3-4)
With the whole armor of God, we can stand against the schemes of the devil (Ephesians 6:11)
The shield of faith extinguishes all the darts of the evil one (Ephesians 6:16)
The gates of Hell will not prevail against the church (Matthew 16:18)
Jesus destroyed the devil at the cross (Hebrews 2:14)
Demons are subject to us in the name of Christ (Luke 10:17)
The Holy Spirit convicts the world of judgment because the ruler of this world is judged (John 16:11)
God has delivered us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of His Son (Colossians 1:13)
The ruler of this world has been cast out (John 12:31)
The evil one cannot touch those who are turning from their sin (1 John 5:18)
Satan cannot touch us without God’s permission (Luke 22:31; see also Job)
With Christ at God’s right hand, angels, authorities, and powers are subject to Him (1 Peter 3:22).
Beloved, this is not an exhaustive list. There are many additional promises and proclamations that the devil is losing his control over this world.
Don’t look to Instagram, FB, Social Media, Mainstream Media, Alternative Media, or even your Pastor for the truth. Look to the Bible.
For we walk by faith and not by sight.
Over 2000 years ago, Jesus said: “NOW is the judgment of this world; NOW the ruler of this world will be cast out” (John 12:31).
Anti-Christ is alive today, but he is not well — despite what false teachers teach, despite what we see with our eyes. Satan received a fatal blow at the CROSS. The church is merely the mop-up crew, or so we ought to be.
The anti-Christ doesn’t win down here. Christ does.
It’s our faith that overcomes the world.
Do you believe?
Learn the minimum qualifications for civic leaders according to the Bible by Dr. Phillip Kayser.
Listen to another sermon by Dr. Phillip Kayser on the qualifications for civic leaders here.
Our Founding Fathers understood that civic leaders MUST be Christian, which is why Benjamin Franklin insisted that this phrase be included in the 1776 Pennsylvania Constitution. “And each member, before he takes his seat, shall make and subscribe the following declaration, viz: I do believe in one God, the creator and governor of the universe, the rewarder of the good and the punisher of the wicked. And I do acknowledge the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be given by Divine inspiration.” Learn more here.
Murder for profit goes much deeper than abortion. Vaccines, medicines, and protocols that knowingly kill people are becoming standard care in western medicine. Natural, proven, unprofitable treatments are suppressed, ridiculed, and commonly defamed. Doctors that promote natural, proven treatments are silenced, defrocked, de-platformed, de-famed, or even suicided. This trend is growing at alarming rates. If you still trust the medical establishment for your health, it’s time to re-evaluate where you put your trust. It literally could cost you your life. And it probably has cost the life of your loved one in the last three years. Learn about 1) the atrocities of childhood vaccines here, 2) the death mechanisms in the COVID-19 vaccine here; and how the Standard of Care in hospitals was the real culprit behind many COVID deaths.
I share more about that in this video.
Learn at least six mechanisms in the COVID-19 vaccine that can kill you.
Prepare to be amazed by the history of the Declaration of Independence. Learn even more here.
I cannot commend to you enough Phillip Kayser’s 100+ sermon series on the book of Revelation. It is the most scholarly, well-researched, easy-to-understand, and mind-blowing series on Revelation I have ever listened to. This is material you’ll want to binge-listen to and then carefully study. I highly recommend listening in chronological order. The first sermon is at the bottom of the page. Check the dates they were preached.